The Oekoswiss low-energy infrared heaters generate an extremely cosy warmth, comparable to a tiled stove. All objects (walls, furniture, floors) in the room are kept at a pleasant temperature, which in turn warms the air in the room. Swiss quality Oekoswiss low-energy infrared heating systems are developed and manufactured 100% in Switzerland. High-quality materials are used. This guarantees maximum conversion of the energy into radiant heat, as with a tiled stove, more comfort and a long service life. The quality of the heaters is underlined by the 10-year guarantee. Features of a high-quality infrared heating system Oekoswiss infrared heating systems are among the most efficient infrared heating systems available today. 1. the response time has been improved once again. The special heating resistor with silver content is extremely fast. In comparison, Oekoswiss infrared heaters require less power at the same surface temperature as the competition, also due to the low-loss device design. The even shorter reaction time allows visionary control possibilities! More about this can be seen soon! 2. infrared panels often reach a temperature of approx. 50 to 75 °C on their back side and with cheap products often even higher temperatures! This can lead to damage to the walls! Oekoswiss low-energy infrared heaters only reach a temperature of 25 to 35 °C on the backside. Rule of thumb: The cooler the rear side, the more energy is sent forward into the room in the form of infrared radiant heat and the required connected load is reduced. Low-loss unit design! 3 The coating on the back of the glass is one of the most important features of infrared heating, along with the low-loss design of the appliance. The ceramic coating on the back of the glass, which ensures optimum heat radiation, is responsible for the excellent radiant heat. Conventional devices often only use normal colour coatings, which are much cheaper and produce no or only inferior radiant heat. The ceramic coating on Oekoswiss heaters is baked at high temperatures during the hardening process and cannot discolour! 4. ESG glass as a carrier for the ceramic coating is more suitable than other materials such as aluminium, metal or stone. This is because the glass itself also has a high radiant power, provided that the iron oxide content is low. This is the only way that the heat radiation of the ceramic coating can enter the room unhindered. An important component here is, of course, consultation. Oekoswiss Energy AG can draw on many years of experience, which is probably unique in Switzerland and even in Europe. Our team is at your disposal! Interesting facts about glass and how to recognise the differences Low-iron oxide glass has no green tint or shimmer. When sunlight hits ordinary glass, all colour components (blue, yellow, red, etc.) are absorbed or filtered, except for a remaining green cast. The reason for this is the quartz sand containing iron oxide in the glass mixture used to make the glass. With conventional glass, the iron oxide content is around 800 ppm (parts per million). The thicker the glass is, the more this is visually noticeable. If, on the other hand, raw materials low in iron oxide are used to melt the glass, the iron oxide content can be reduced to below 200 ppm. This results in the so-called white glass or also called extra white. This is characterised by a very colour-neutral transparency and has no green tint. This is not decisive for the function of a living room table, salon table or other uses than infrared heating, but it is very important for infrared heating. Iron has a poor emission value in terms of thermal radiation and inhibits or blocks radiant heat. For this reason, we only use extra-white glasses; these are only slightly more expensive, but ultimately decisive for us and you! Oekoswiss Energy AG Mülacher 6 6024 Hildisrieden Tel. 041 450 30 80