News and Information

Possible applications of infrared heaters
Advantages of infrared heating: That’s why it’s worth buying . More and more people are opting for infrared heating. Compared to a conventional model, it

Greentec Issue 8 / 2020
In the new issue 8 of the Greentec magazine there is exciting information about possibilities to build or renovate in a climate-neutral way. Oekoswiss Energy

Things to know about glass
Low iron oxide glass has no green tint or shimmer. When sunlight hits ordinary glass, all colour components (blue, yellow, red, etc.) are absorbed or

Integrated communication in your infrared radiator
Oekoswiss Energy AG is presenting a unique innovation in the form of communication with the room thermostat and heating control integrated into the infrared glass

Oekoswiss low-energy infrared heating
The Oekoswiss low-energy infrared heaters generate an extremely cosy warmth, comparable to a tiled stove. All objects (walls, furniture, floors) in the room are kept